
Terms and Conditions

I am not a medical physician. In case of an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest medical facility.

I fully understand this treatment is not a substitute for medical treatment and it may take several sessions before I notice any benefit. This will depend on my lifestyle, ongoing medication, and general health. I understand that if I have been untruthful with my details or have failed to give enough relevant information the outcome of any regression therapy could be adversely affected, and my health and well-being may be put at risk.

I understand Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe does not claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. My opinion is that of a holistic, complementary and alternative practitioner and my professional opinions, advice, examinations and recommendations do NOT constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician. I confirm that I have given my personal details for the practitioner’s use in connection with the therapy and consent to the storage of these details for at least ten years. (We are unable to provide any therapy without your consent.)

It’s crucial to understand that I am a non-therapeutic practitioner, meaning that I do not practice medical hypnotherapy or hypnosis to address mental or physical illness in a therapeutic medical environment. This means that I do not work based on medical diagnosis.

The soul does not understand the medical terms and I focus 100% on spiritual hypnosis which is non-medical. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a mental or physical condition understand that I am not working on the mental or physical challenge but rather on the emotional state of the symptom. This is important to understand since if the physical or mental disorder has been materialized, hypnosis could only help you with the emotional traumas.  I am not a medical physician.

Your ‘Therapy’ Session or Program is a partnership. We will work with your subconscious mind, yet the intentions you set, the preparation you make and the actions you take are critical to you getting your best outcomes. The more you put in, the more you get out. I can’t do the work for you, so you really must be a very willing participant in your own healing journey!

In this partnership, I have a responsibility to guide you through a great healing process, and you have a personal responsibility to focus on following that process with earnest diligence.

Remember to be present, work hard, reflect, contemplate, be open and honest, be able to get emotionally naked for best optimal healing results.

Do that, and the Terms and Conditions will automatically be adhered to. For clarity, and in case of wandering off the path, here are the policies for variations from this way.

The Five Vital Tips / Prerequisites

1) Work on Communication / with your Inner / Higher Self often – daily and develop a strong sisterhood / brotherhood. Learn to do so DAILY even if its just for 3 mins!

2) Learn to Trust your Higher Self – and please show on time to your appointments. If your apt is online be ready 15 mins before the call. We can’t waste time on setting up technology or addressing tech issues….if your apt is in person please be respectful and show up on time. It often gets cold in the office please bring a sweater. If you use socks for sleeping, please make sure you bring a pair to use as well.

3) Get ready for your sessions! Resistance whether conscious or unconsciously happens. I get it. I’ll guide you through whatever resistance shows up BUT you have to be willing to be guided. Please don’t expect me to take your healing as YOUR Responsibility.

4) Be like a child! You have to be willing to participate fully and trying your best to go with the flow – even when it sounds crazy / too magically or too weird or imaginary….you have to trust that Victoria has been given the right tools and trainings to help you!

5) Be Sober – Please do not take any drugs to relax you. No alcohol, marijuana or relaxation pills. Continue to take your prescribed medications from your doctor but know that antidepressants may very well affect your ability to connect with your emotions. If there is a block in your connecting to your emotion healing is limited and would require many more sessions (which is fine as long as we are both on the same page).


6)  Wear clean comfy clothes. Please limit makeup, keep it as light as possible or waterproof because tears will make eyeliner and mascara flow.

7) If you colored your hair days before your session, please let me know so that I can use something to protect the pillowcase from getting stained.

If the five fundamental prerequisites are not met, you won’t get the most out of working with me.

The following are some of the most important terms of service.

  1. I am willing and able to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and the different techniques needed for the best results possible. I am fully aware that these modalities are spiritual-based and non-medical in nature, and it is my full responsibility to consult with a medical professional about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication. In no way, any spiritual sessions with Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe / and any other known programs run by Victoria are meant to be taken as medical advice or legal counsel.
  2. I fully understand these techniques and modalities are not meant to replace any medical or legal counsel. It’s my full responsibility to seek medical counsel. Medications if any are not to be stopped / reduced or replaced in any way without a medical practitioner’s approval.
  3. I understand that I need to be spiritual mature enough to know that these techniques do not require me to be asleep. Hypnotherapy, regression work and other tools Victoria uses to guide you do not require you to be asleep. On the contrary, I need to be conscious in order to participate and collaborate with my Higher Self in order to experience the best results possible.
  4. I fully understand that I must be a willing participant in my own healing process. It’s my responsibility to do a lot of self-reflection and contemplation for optimal results. I also understand these are healing modalities in which my Higher Self is the master healer and therefore, I heal myself. Victoria Amador is simply a guide, a practitioner to moderate the conversation between myself and my Higher Self.
  5. I understand that I must be open and honest in order for Victoria Amador to be able to help me establish a strong connection with my Higher Self. The more you hide from true feelings, the more time it would require.
  6. I understand all sessions are no longer recorded. I
  7. I understand the refund / rescheduling / cancellation terms.

Policy For Sessions

Policy For Scheduled Sessions & Changes

1) Rescheduling Sessions; Can be done with 2 weeks advance notice to avoid any fees or changes to your program (such as forfeiting a session from your program). Last minute cancellations are not acceptable unless of a dire emergency situation (NO EXCEPTIONS).

a) with 7 or less business days notice, at a cost of $100.
b) with 48-24 hours notice, at a cost of $199.
(unless it’s a major emergency – if you are experiencing a flight delay please let Victoria know immediately, if you are sick the day of your session please call Victoria to discuss)

To pay for any additional fees you can send the payment to PayPal using this link: https://paypal.me/qhhtwithvictoria

Policy For Terminating Sessions

All sales are final, and no refunds will be provided. Please ensure you fully understand this crucial term before registering for any program or sessions with Victoria. Once you book, you take the opportunity from someone else. Given the limited time and the comprehensive nature of most sessions in a healing program, cancellations have a significant impact on multiple individuals.

Is there a refund for unused sessions? No prorates if you decide to do less than number of sessions in whichever program you signed up (no exceptions).  Some individuals have decided in the past to finish their program with 3 sessions because they got all they needed within 3 sessions. This is perfect. However, please know that there is not refund or no pro-rated refunds for deciding to end the program earlier than the program term or before you use all your sessions. 

In the event that a dire emergency happens, and a refund is to take place, know that there will be a cancellation management fee and merchant processing fees. These fees are quite high therefore, a cancellation fee due to a serious life emergency would incur a cancellation fee of $485 for most programs. One-time sessions would incur a cancellation fee of 15% of total amount paid. 

Buy the Program, Attend ONE SESSION; If during the first session significant new information arises that leads to an assessment that sessions are not appropriate, they can be discontinued at the discretion of Victoria Amador. This includes an inability of unwillingness to follow or grasp the process described in detail in the supporting material. A refund of the total price minus $1k; for example, if you pay $4000 the refund would be $4k-1k = $3k. (this fee includes Victoria’s 1st session services plus the additional processing and management fees explained above).

Client Terminating Sessions; Sessions are sold as a program, not as individual sessions. If you attend one session or more and request a refund of the other sessions, there will be no refunds. Make sure you want to participate in the program before committing and taking the opportunity from someone else who really wants to be in the program. NO EXCEPTIONS.

It can be therapeutically counter-productive and unhelpful to allow or tacitly encourage not finishing what you started mid-process. The financial incentive to show up each time on time and get what you paid for is much better than rewarding a strategy of doing things by halves.

This issue is minimized by not accepting clients who are at risk of this, so this refund scenario is extremely unusual.


It’s simple, if you don’t use them, you lose them (calls depend on which program you signed up for). Integration calls are extremely valuable and it’s an opportunity to better understand things that normally we do not discuss in a healing session. Some use this time for integration or coaching or a combination of both. Some use the integration time to do a mini session if they are still processing a lot from their healing sessions. Sky is not the limit, let’s use integration time wisely!

For the 5 Session Program (avg time frame is 3-5 months) – the limit is 6 months maximum. No exceptions.

For the 1-year program: One Year Limit; The training enrollment is valid for one year, then expires. The one year starts from the date of your purchase to the 12th month on same date a year from your purchase.

Custom programs have a time-frame limit as well and it should be clear in the information provided to you. If for any reasons, this is not clear please ask Victoria.

Price Changes

All prices for Sessions and Training are subject to change without notice. However, once you paid or signed up for a payment plan, that’s the price for you.

If you wish to make a new purchase, or another purchase, the new rate will apply. 

Session overview and video for social media / Text-Monials

Victoria has the right to generally provide overview of the healing / coaching sessions without providing personal data to the general public for the purpose of educating the general public about the benefits and findings while using her shamanic / regression or hypnotherapy method. If you choose to release your session to be made into a video for Soul Healing tribe to use on various social media sites, you could also request for your name to be edited from the audio for confidential purposes. Any text messages are another way she may use to show others what is possible to heal from; however, none of your private name or info would be shared publicly as we take your privacy very seriously. You can choose to support her work by providing video or written testimonials with your name as well. Victoria can only see 40-60 clients per year for the intensive healing programs, so the use of any testimonial is not just for her but for our communities to know what healing is possible when we decide to take our healing journey seriously. 

Referrals – we highly appreciate referrals. Especially of people you know that need to heal.

Legal Disclaimer

By requesting a session and / or scheduling a mentoring appointment with Victoria Amador of Soul Healing Tribe, you understand and agree that Victoria Amador is not a medical professional, attorney or accountant, and cannot and will not give medical, legal, or tax advice. Any information or advice given by Victoria is not to be used by you in place of any medical, legal, tax or financial advice or diagnosis from professionals in those fields. 

Sessions with Victoria, Soul Healing Tribe are intended to offer insight into your spiritual life and do not in any way constitute medical, legal, tax or financial advice. Victoria will not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of her website, services, sessions, social media platform or one on one conversations or as a result of any session or appointment with Victoria or any persons or events related thereto, and / or any actions or decisions that you may make as a result, including without limitation, actual, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from any claims resulting from any act or omission, negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or otherwise, including without limitation, personal injury, death, loss of income, stress (emotional or otherwise), errors or omissions, or otherwise.  

All sessions and services by Victoria Amador are for spiritual purposes only and the client receiving the service is responsible for all their own choices and actions. You must be 18 years and older to receive a session.  Sessions in no way constitute legal, financial advice, or diagnose of medical conditions whether mental or physical. Victoria will not diagnose / treat any medical conditions whatsoever. All the info you receive about your physical / mental / emotional health comes from your higher self. Victoria can only give you her opinion, but she is not a medical doctor and cannot give you medical diagnosis. Consult a medical practitioner for guidance.

Victoria Amador disclaims any liability, to any person or entity, for any loss or damages, caused in regard to any information, suggestions or advice, provided to you through this service. Use of this service is at your sole risk and for spiritual purposes only. By purchasing a session or training course, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehend and agree with the above disclaimer. We also reserve the right to refuse service.


Visiting the Site, sending us emails, and completing online forms constitute electronic communications. You consent to receive electronic communications, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically, via email and on the Site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.

Session overview and video for social media

Victoria has the right to generally provide overview of the healing / hypnosis / regression / shamanic / spiritual sessions without providing personal data to the general public for the purpose of educating the general public about the benefits and findings while using hypnosis. If you choose to release your session to be made into a video for Soul Healing tribe to use on various social media sites, you could also request for your name to be edited from the audio for confidential purposes. No all sessions are provided for social media use but once in a while Victoria likes to put sessions for others to receive healing from listening and if you choose to do so you can let her know you provide permission.

I am not a medical physician. In case of an emergency please call 911 or go to your nearest medical facility.

I fully understand this treatment is not a substitute for medical treatment and it may take several sessions before I notice any benefit. This will depend on my lifestyle, ongoing medication, and general health. I understand that if I have been untruthful with my details or have failed to give enough relevant information the outcome of any regression therapy could be adversely affected, and my health and well-being may be put at risk.

I understand Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe does not claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. My opinion is that of a holistic, complementary and alternative practitioner and my professional opinions, advice, examinations and recommendations do NOT constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician. I confirm that I have given my personal details for the practitioner’s use in connection with the therapy and consent to the storage of these details for at least ten years. (We are unable to provide any therapy without your consent.)

I have read the terms and conditions.

Messaging Terms & Conditions

Victoria Amador | DRT & Awakening the Healer Within | Ancestral Lineage Healing [and any other healing sessions and programs] | 2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd Ste 208 West Palm Beach FL US 33409-3408


When you opt-in to msm service, we will send you a message to confirm your signup. We barely use text messages unless completely necessary. The text message reminders for your sessions are sent using a third-party company and we keep your info private, none of your data is sold to any outside companies.

By opting into messages, you agree to receive recurring automated marketing and informational text messages from Victoria Amador (including reminders about what you left in your online shopping cart). Automated messages may be sent using an automatic telephone dialing system to the mobile telephone number you provided when signing up or any other number that you designate.

Message frequency varies, and additional mobile messages may be sent periodically based on your interaction with Victoria Amador. DRT & Awakening the Healer Within reserves the right to alter the frequency of messages sent at any time to increase or decrease the total number of sent messages. DRT & Awakening the Healer Within also reserves the right to change the short code or phone number where messages are sent.

Message and data rates may apply. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider. Your wireless provider is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

Your consent to receive marketing messages is not a condition of purchase. Marketing messages may include abandoned shopping cart reminders. DRT & Awakening the Healer Within uses cookies to help track items in your shopping cart, including when you have abandoned your shopping cart prior to checkout. This information is then used to determine when to send you a cart reminder message.


Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.


You can cancel any time by texting “STOP”. After you send the SMS message “STOP”, we will send you a message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed and no more messages will be sent. If you would like to receive messages from DRT & Awakening the Healer Within again, just sign up as you did the first time and DRT & Awakening the Healer Within will start sending messages to you again.


Text “HELP” at any time and we will respond with instructions on how to unsubscribe. For support regarding our services, email us at [email protected].

Transfer of Number

You agree that before changing your mobile number or transferring your mobile number to another individual, you will either reply “STOP” from the original number or notify us of your old number at [email protected]. The duty to inform us based on the above events is a condition of using this service to receive messages.


If you have any questions about your data or our privacy practices, please visit our [Privacy Policy].

Messaging Terms Changes

We reserve the right to change or terminate our messaging program at any time. We also reserve the right to update these Messaging Terms at any time. Such changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued enrollment following such changes shall constitute your acceptance of such changes

My Professional Conduct Code of Ethics

I will not knowingly make any public statement that is untrue or misleading about
what I offer as a spiritual healer, healing practitioner, coach or make false claims in any written documents relating to the healing / coaching profession or my credentials.

I will, at all times, strive to recognize personal issues that may impair, conflict or
interfere with my coaching performance or my professional coaching relationships.
Whenever the facts and circumstances necessitate, I will promptly seek professional
assistance and determine the action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate
to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship(s).

I will maintain, store, and dispose of any records created during my coaching
business in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security and privacy, and
complies with any applicable laws and agreements.

I will seek to avoid conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest and
openly disclose any such conflicts. I will offer to remove myself when such a conflict

I will not knowingly take any personal, professional or monetary advantage or
benefit of the coach-client relationship, except by a form of compensation as agreed
in the agreement or contract.

I will carefully explain and strive to ensure that, prior to or at the initial meeting,
my healing / coaching client and sponsor(s) understand the nature of healing / coaching, the nature
and limits of confidentiality, financial arrangements, and any other terms of the
coaching agreement or contract.

I will be responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive
boundaries that govern any physical contact I may have with my clients or sponsors.

When acting as a trainer of student healing practitioners and coaches, I will clarify confidentiality policies with the students / program participants. 

These are some of the many codes of ethics that Victoria follows. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to her at [email protected] 

Remember to be present, work hard, reflect, contemplate, be open and honest, be able to get emotionally naked for best optimal healing results. This is your healing journey, I am just a guide, You must want your healing and be able to accept/ receive it because I cannot do that for you. This is self-healing!

To learn more about the Ancestral Lineage Healing program – click here.

For the Awakening the Healer Within (a Healing Program to release past wounds) – click here.

To learn more about Becoming a Healing Practitioner – click here.

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