
Ancestral Lineage Healing Program

Unlock the Wisdom Within of Your Breath, Mind and Body to Connect, Release, Shift and Align with your Ancestors and Your Higher Self

hypnotherapy west palm beach florida soul healing tribe
body based healing at soul healing tribe

Have You Ever Stopped To Consider What Was Life Like for your Ancestors?

ancestral healing program soul healing tribe
The pain experienced by your parents, grandparents, and the preceding seven generations affects you, ranging from physical, sexual, emotional, and mental abuse to neglect, abandonment, illness, and trauma.
ancestral healing program soul healing tribe
Ancestors who endured slavery, war, and genocide passed down trauma through the genes. What would it feel like to experience these life-threatening events? What feelings and sensations arise for you?
What are some of the things you parents and grandparents (whether blood or non-blood relatives) said about life, work, relationships that you also repeat? i.e I must work hard to earn money. Life is hard.
What was the way of life for your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents? What was lost that were positive qualities? Aspects that would enhance your quality of life now.
What gifts or talents were evident in the family life that you may want to explore further in this program? i.e. intuition, dreamwork, developing your clairs, remote viewing, etc.
What spiritual connections did your ancestors have (perhaps you receive clues in dreams or trances) that need to be further integrated for optimal living?

Transform Your Relationships with Yourself & Ancestors

***Join the waiting list for the next Ancestral Healing Program

How Ancestral Traumas Affect Us?

Ancestors are imprinted in cellular data, whether you have a connection to them or not. (whether you know them or not, or even if you were adopted – you’ll experience awareness and healing). 

When you decide to connect and help the ancestral lineage heal, you are making an active choice to embrace the healing journey. Dreams may become very active, you would feel called to learn more and more, to connect with them, honor and respect the ancestral lineage and to assist those that need assistance (when you are ready to do so).

Through Epigenetic, science proves what we have known for thousands of years, we know that ancestral genes are passed down to us. With our Ancestral Lineage Healing Program, we aim to not only connect to our ancestors but also to understand and heal inherited trauma, behaviors, and wounds. 


We can inherit limiting beliefs, habits, pain, trauma, as well as positive qualities and gifts that we can integrate when we do this healing work. 


Weekly Virtual Live Zoom Sessions - 12 Weeks Ancestral Healing Program

Starting May 16th, 2024, 8:45pm to 10:45pm EST. 2 Hours Weekly. We just started; you could still take advantage of this program.

12-week journey of ancestral learning and reconnection in support of personal, family and cultural healing.


Whether you’re new to the journey or seasoned in the realm of family and ancestral healing, this course offers inclusive guidance and practices suitable for all levels of experience. 

Important Aspects we will cover include but not limited to:

Who would benefit the most from this program?

The Ancestral Healing Program is tailored for those currently engaged in or aspiring to embark on a spiritual journey, seeking profound connections with their family lineage for transformative healing experiences. Delving into ancestral healing can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of negative intergenerational patterns that affect our present family dynamics. Through spiritual practices guided by our wisdom within, we embark on a journey of understanding and metamorphosis, reclaiming the inherent power within our familial spirits.

By actively engaging with our ancestral lineage, we initiate a process of healing that extends beyond individual realms, mending ruptures within family bonds and fostering unity. 

Breathwork Experiences: A vital component of our healing process for Deep Ancestral Healing

What this program is NOT about?

Photo: From a Sacred Medicine - Hapeh & Cacao Ceremony

Your soul /spirit is calling to you to expand and grow. It’s time to level up.
Together, we can achieve many things! 
Click the link below to learn more!

Here's How the Training Will Flow:

Who is Leading the Training?

Welcome, beautiful souls, to a sanctuary where ancient wisdom and modern healing arts interwine. I am Victoria Amador, your guide and a devoted practitioner of Transpersonal Therapy, Coaching & Spiritual Healing.  My journey has been a tapestry woven with the threads of entrepreneurship, ancestral shamanic healing, and a profound commitment to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. 

For over a decade, I have immersed myself in the sacred realm of healing arts, embracing each moment as an opportunity for growth, discovery, and transformation. My path has led me to found and nurture various family businesses for 12 years, while simultaneously honoring my calling to provide ancestral shamanic healing to those in need. In 2021, a powerful shift occurred within me, urging me to dedicate my entire being to the practice of healing, with a focus on shamanic healing, hypnotherapy, and spiritual regression. 

As a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, I weave together the ancient wisdom of shamanic traditions with the insights of spiritual practices and therapeutic techniques. This harmonious blend creates a unique and transformative approach to healing, one that resonates deeply with the essence of your being.

Through my rigorous training at the esteemed Wellness Institute, I have honed my expertise in trauma healing, drawing upon my extensive background in shamanism and ancestral spiritual practices to craft a methodology that facilitates profound healing and awakening. 

My dedication to excellence is unwavering, as I continuously seek to expand my knowledge and refine my skills. I have undergone intensive training in a wide array of modalities, including Trauma Trainings, Carl Jung’s Teachings & Trainings, QHHT, Past Life Regression, Soul Regression, and Clinical Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy. Recognizing the importance of addressing trauma in the context of spiritual awakening, I devoted over 3 years to specialized trauma training, ensuring that my clients receive a truly holistic healing experience while working with me. 

I have had the privilege of learning from luminaries in the field, both in the United States and abroad. From Dr. Cabouli and Dr. Hans Ten Dam to Dr. Dan Siegel and Licensed Jung’s Dream Analyst Training, I have sought out the wisdom of the best in the realm of traditional and holistic healing. 

As you embark on this transformative journey with me, know that you are held in a sacred space of compassion, understanding, and unconditional support. Together, we will delve into the depths of your being, unearthing the hidden treasures within and unleashing the boundless potential that lies dormant. Through a symbiotic dance of ancient wisdom and modern techniques, we will nurture your mind, body, and spirit, facilitating a profound transformation that will resonate through every aspect of your life. 

Step into this sanctuary of healing and awakening, and allow yourself to be guided by the loving wisdom of your own soul. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation, as you reclaim your birthright of wholeness, vitality, and boundless joy. 

In 2021, I established the Soul Healing Tribe and launched the Awakening the Healer Within Training Program, aiming to guide individuals navigating spiritual awakening towards profound healing and self-realization. Witnessing the transformative power of healing, I’ve assisted over 400 clients in liberating themselves from trauma, limiting beliefs, and emotional blockages, facilitating their journey towards inner peace and clarity.

I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with and serve you—embracing the totality of your being, from soul to spirit, as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Victoria Amador

Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe