
Gratefulness and Healing


Happy Holidays!

Hey there Beautiful Souls! Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it.

As we dive into the holiday season, we may experience a mix of emotions. Some days are amazing, while others can be tough. I get it. The holidays can bring up memories or reminders of what we may feel is lacking in our lives. But amidst it all, it’s important for us to remember that there is always something to be grateful for.

Take inventory of the top 3 things you can be extremely grateful at this very moment?

For me, I am super grateful for:

The growth I have experienced personally over the last year, my loving supporting family, and my son who just turned 16 and is such a kind loving soul. And my clients because through them I feel like I am part of something much bigger.

Back in 2009, I was feeling really depressed during Christmas. I was lonely and had a constant feeling of emptiness. Despite having a good job and a child, there was a part of me that was seriously missing. After months of contemplation, I realized that I needed to make changes in my life. Fast forward five months, and I was resigning from my job to move closer to my family in Boston. I thought that being with my family would fill the void, but it didn’t (yes it was much better b/c I love my family, but the hole was still there). The missing piece had to do with my spiritual self. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery in 2012-2013, and slowly but surely, that void began to fill up.

I’ve done a lot of healing, but there are still little ‘things’ that sometimes bring me down. The difference now is that I can pull myself back up more efficiently and quickly when I notice my energy dropping. I’ve learned to be intentionally aware and shift my perspective.

I know it may sound cheesy, but even in moments when we want to let our energy drop, it’s important to be grateful because at the end of the day that part of us that wants to feel low/depressed / ‘poor little me’ is trying to teach us something about ourselves.

Quick Effective Technique to Ask in those Challenging Moments:

What part of ME is okay with allowing my energy to drop, and why? It’s something to contemplate.

Note: The why normally is a benefit, what’s the benefit if I feel depressed / low? Benefit, I could be inert and stay home watch tv and don’t go for a walk because that requires too much energy.

Wishing you a beautiful Holiday Season. Let’s make 2024 a beautiful year to be alive!




#gratefulness #healing #wellness #lifeisbeautiful #soulhealingtribe #awakeningthehealerwithin #victoriaamador


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