Brief Outline
- Brainwaves and What Happens when we sleep overview
- Cells and Biology and how if affects the Dream State
- Spiritual Concepts / Hypnosis vs Regression
- Diff ways our clients uses their senses and why is important to understand this
- What is Soul Fragmentation and why is it key for our therapeutic protocol?
- From a spiritual point of view – what’s fragmentation / timeless of the soul and higher / inner self
- Multidimensional reality and why is important when address regression work for dreams, nightmares and trances including trauma
- Repressed Emotions
- Energy Exchange
- Symptoms – Emotions / Body Sensations
- Abuse (physical / emotional / sexual)
- Soul Fragmentation Neglect, other traumas we endured and why it causes a soul
- Surgeries
- Grief
- Anamnesis / Client Interview and how can we do it within mins
- How to work with Dissociative clients
- Death Experience in Past Lives is Crucial
- Inner Child Healing/ Working with Children – importance of deep inner child healing when doing Age Regression / Womb Regression
- Overview / Therapeutic Approach
- 2 Children Sessions Transcripts
- Heart Based Regression process
- Karma
- Dharma
- Mystery Schools / Training in other Realms – what’s the best way to bring the teachings into this awareness as your client now, and more.
- Accident Trauma Release (ART) and how it may show up in the Dreams -for repressed experiences – the therapeutic protocol and some regression transcripts for your review.
- Spirit Guides
- What emotions are most relevant the day of the dream before dreaming?
- Joy, Peace, Worried, Fear, Happiness, Obsessive / Anxiety, Panic, etc
- Confirming they are truly spirit guides and no trickers / malicious or dark force entities
- Specific critical questions to ask / feel / sense
- How to best communicate with them and listen to suggestions
- What emotions are most relevant the day of the dream before dreaming?
Questions about Dreams and Topics Covered
15 mins break
- Low vibration Repressed Emotions
- Spirit Attachment
- Curses, Pacts, Agreements, Promises
- Why low vibration energies are most powerful between 12am and 3pm – and why is important to notice the time if the client has recurring dreams/nightmares and around the same time.
- ET Attachment
- Consents
- Archons according to the Nag Hammadi Scriptures
- Gnostics’s perspective on Archons
Physical descriptions of Archons have been found in several Gnostic codices. Two types are clearly identified: a neonate or embryonic type, and a draconic or reptilian type. Obviously, these descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports.
- Suicide
Questions about Nightmares and topics covered
Trance & Spirit Guides
- Sacred Plant Medicine Journeys – overview, energy transference, integration, knowing what type of regression or hypnosis is needed, perhaps even breathwork
- Integration Overview and Regression Protocol
- Avoiding to triggering depression after a regression – Tiltration process in case of extreme traumatized clients
15 mins
Therapeutic Protocol
- 5 steps protocol
- Mental Bridge
- Womb Regression
- Interview prior to the session
- Old Beliefs vs New Beliefs
- Old Behaviors vs New Behaviors
- Abortions / Miscarriages
- Physical Illnesses
- Mental Patients who are too rational
- Addictions
- Etheric Cords
- Inner Child Healing
- Life between Lives
- Catharsis – when big and significant stop there – don’t make the mistakes i made
Practice -1 hour (30 mins per person with 2 mins break in between)
Following Nights – Full Regression Sessions – Total 4-5 regressions per Practitioner as a Client & Therapist
*Link to a few sessions with permission of the client will be shared next week for you to review them before the training.
Time Commitment:
- NOV 12 (SUNDAY) – 1 Full Day of Intensive Training from 10am EST to 7pm EST (NY Time).
- 1st practice session: Monday Nov 13th from 6pm to 10pm EST Answer questions & Practice
- 2nd practice session: Wed Nov 15th 6pm to 10pm EST to do 2nd set of practice sessions and answer questions.
- 3rd practice session: Wed Nov 29th 6pm to 10pm 3rd Practice Session
- Final class: Dec 4th 6pm to 10pm EST Group Meeting to go over questions, integration of the technique and final observations etc.
- Total Time Commitment 20-24 hrs
This is an intensive Dream Regression Technique Training. To get your certificate backed by IPHM and become part of my network and listed practitioners you’ll have to do demonstrate that you have proper handle of the technique. If you are doing the training simply to understand your dreams better, just let me know so I am aware and know how to place you accordingly and pair you with the right practitioner in training.
How to sign up?
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Join me for a transformative training experience. But first, let’s ensure we’re a good fit.
- If we haven’t worked together before, please email me your resume
- Email must include the reason/s for wanting to participate in this intensive training program
- Once I review it and if I believe you are a good candidate, I’ll email you with a link to schedule a 15-minute conversation via Zoom to determine if you are a good fit.
I take this work seriously, so I’m selective about who I train. While no prior experience is required, I value individuals with a strong work ethic and a commitment to integrity.
Got questions? Feel free to reach out via email to determine if you’re eligible for this life-changing training. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and succeed.
Once you send your payment email me at [email protected] with your full legal name, city and state (or country and state), tel # so I can keep the class roster updated accordingly.
During the training we’ll go over how to use this to help your children if they are experiencing nightmares, weird visions, etc.
Limited Space Available
All the training will be thru Zoom. Recording after the class will only be available for limited time after.
**Understand your dreams and nightmare, learn to discern energy thru the dream world. Communicate with spirit guides and understand if they have your best interest in mind and more. Clearly understand the ‘gifts’ you are receiving in the dream world and astral realm.
#dreamregression #nightmares #spiritguides #dreamrealm #dreamworld #astralrealm #discerningenergy #spiritualawakening
#dreamregression #nightmareregression #psychedelicintegration #tranceregression #spiritualawakening #spiritually #spiritual #healing #release #wellness #southflorida #palmbeach #westpalmbeach #bocaraton #jupiter #palmbeachgardens #wellington