Deeper Understanding of Your Aura

Aura Photo Report  – roadmap to understanding your healing journey

Every person can change their auras. When going thru a healing process you go thru energetic changes in your body that allows for your light bodies to reconstruct according to your new reality so that the aura will also change as you change and learn new lessons, release old wounds/traumas, and become a new person.

Basically, I like to see the aura photo and report as a roadmap of what you are currently working on, a phase in your life and whether you are in the beginning, middle or mastering those life lessons and stages.

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Center Aura

The center aura shows your current personality. As you do more aura photos you will be able to get a more accurate reading of your main center aura. This aura shows the personality. However, in my opinion and based on occult spiritual knowledge I have acquired throughout the years, I also believe that this aura shows us the main reason for us being born into this body/ this life / this incarnation now.


Therefore, I believe that the center aura shows us what we came to learn in this life that we have not yet master in other past lives. So, I see the center aura as the aura that show us what is it that we must truly master in this lifetime to achieve our life’s mission.


Top of the Aura

The crown aura represents the mind and mental-energetic activities you express. Therefore, it’s an indication of your goals you have in mind now.


In my opinion, the top of the aura brings in the consciousness that’s creating this reality (thoughts, cognitive processes, state of mind).


Bottom of the Aura

This indicates your foundation. In my opinion, this aura is key especially now in this Earth’s transition to 5D because for many of us that identify as coming from different planets / constellation etc., we tend to pull a lot of our grounding energy from other non-earthly dimensions, which means our root chakra could easily be compromised because we are not fully here. Therefore, I see this chakra heavily associated with the skeleton bone / bone marrow and willingness to live, to be here now in this planet.

Here you can see an example of the Top, Left, Center, Right and Bottom Aura

I believe, this bottom of the aura is heavily linked to assigned lessons we have not been able to complete before. Ask yourself what do I have to let go to feel good about being here now?


If you have bone issues, join issues, suicidal thoughts, heavy depression, hopelessness it may be related to having this aura heavily compromised. You may also be dealing with ancestral karmic balancing situations that must be addressed.


Left of the Aura

This is the energy (life force energy) you are bringing into your life by the emotions / thoughts you have that are creating your reality. (Left of the aura on the report is on your right side).


In my opinion, the left of the aura is bringing in feelings and emotions you must heal from to continue your spiritual evolution / journey.


Right of the Aura

This is the energy you expressed and that the world experience from you. Basically, this is how the world sees you. However, it can also be interpreted as the energy you are leaving behind if you are going thru a healing journey.


For example: If the right of the aura is violet and its #7 out of #10, you could see this as others experience me as soothing and spiritual but also it could be interpreted as you are moving into a new phase of your spiritual evolution depending on what color is to your left. So, if left aura is violet then you are going thru a new level of activation (a next phase), if the energy to the left is yellow perhaps, you’ll be teaching and becoming more passionate about your spiritual journey to share with the world.


Going deeper into understanding and integrating your aura report


To understand better how to go deeper into analyzing / understanding and integration your aura photo and report, its important to understand the different fundamental aspects of life:


The different major aspects of life are:


  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Prosperity
  • Relationships
  • Creativity & Children
  • Travel & Opportunity
  • Career or Vocation
  • Knowledge & Wisdom


These different major aspects of life could give us clues as to what we need to work thru to heal and balance and activate our different chakras and therefore increase our aura power.


For many of us, one or two major fundamental aspects of life (mentioned above) tends to be the main theme for us. For example, for client A may be Health and Wealth and for Client B could be Knowledge, Wisdom and Relationships.


If you look at your life, identify what’s the main theme of your life (or 2-3 tops) so that you can understand more deeply what’s your life purpose, what is it that you must release, heal from in order for your soul to achieve its mission for this incarnation.

Chakra Understanding


Here we’ll focus on the 7 major chakra with more understanding of the chakras using some Chinese medicine as well as esoteric teachings I have acquired throughout the years.


Root Chakra

The root chakra is all about survival, the will to live. I believe this chakra can take the longest to heal / balance given that many of us are here now also clearing a lot of ancestral baggage. Do you choose to live, to be here now? to be present and joyful? That’s easier said than done. It’s one thing to go thru the motions of work, sleep and family or watching Netflix then to get out there and enjoy being part of this 3D transition into 5D and enjoy nature, enjoy friends, family, enjoy yourself alone at the beach or park.


A lot of people think of the root chakra only as will power, survival and sexuality but it’s much more than that.


In my opinion, the root chakra is about:

  • Wanting to explore life
  • To overcome challenges
  • To fight to be here now
  • To share with others and develop loving respectful relationships.


Ask yourself these questions:


Can I see the divinity and light in everyone? What can I learn from others? How do others trigger me? Do I see myself reflected in others and others reflected in me? Do I understand at a deep level who I am really?


If this root chakra is compromised, you will have bone pain / join pain / high stress, low vitality, just going thru the motions and living in a defensive / reactive mode.


We are basically the sum of the interactions we have with other, so the root chakra shows us what is our position within our family, our community, our friendships, etc. relationships are based on the frequency we resonate in so that we continually attract what who we think/believe we are (even when done unconsciously).


Do you have healthy boundaries? Do you have feelings of guilt / resentment / fear / frustration?

If yes, then ask yourself, what are you afraid of? What changes (consciously or unconsciously are you foreseeing)? What goals do you have but feel like you can’t achieve? Do you feel blocked? Do you have a sense of insecurity? When was the last time you felt insecurity about xyz?


Here the DNA that makes your physical body comes with predetermine beliefs / behaviors that composes your personality.


Basically, I see the root chakra as the reactions you have towards your exterior world.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Root Chakra:


Agate – Expels unwanted energy, good for detox, good for bone and marrow, good for stuck energy, directs energy inwards and downwards. It’s a transformational stone – treats root and sacral blockages.


Garnet – Strengthening the will, protection against negative forces, goof for poor bone growth, good to block electromagnetic fields.


Ruby – helps with fatigue, lack of faith, helps with obsessive compulsive disorder; also helps with stubbornness, headstrong issues, strengthens the will, promotes willingness to live, good for the dark night of the soul and supports blood circulation.


Hematite – Nourishes blood and oxygen, highly charged, and easily magnetized, absorbs illness and good for grounding and mending fragmentation.


Pyrite – Good for depression, helps with lack of vitality, good for colds and chest issues.


Herbs / Plants:

Angelica, Ashwagandha, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Star Anise, Damiana, Dong quai, Raspberry leaf, Turmeric, Ginseng, Garlic, Anamu, and Cayenne. (teas from spices of any kind)


Naval/ Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the energy of creative co-creation manifestation. It’s the energy that gives birth to new things (humans, animals, plants, and everything in this world).


Therefore, emotions and feelings you have yet to heal from may be stored in this chakra so that you can deal with it the best way you can little by little. So, I see this as the unconsciousness that creating challenges that your soul decided to work thru in this life.


The sacral brings a lot of information on the entire life lesson that are yet unresolved. New life challenges will be revealed at the right time.


The lessons are from past and future all meeting here at the seed of your emotions at the same time.


Basically, I see the sacral chakra as the emotions that you use to internalize your life in your reality.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Sacral Chakra:


Fire Opal – Stimulates libido, helps with lack of vitality

Coral – Good for menopause signs, hot flashes, night sweats, urinary issues, genital herpes, prostatitis


Moonstone – Helps to feel safe with new phase of life, good for creativity, very feminine energy


Amber – Good for sacral related issues, blood/urine issues / good for fear and divine energy that is stuck, emotional stagnation, good for the awareness of upcoming challenges, to see clear and promotes dreams of past and future to help us understand what we need to heal from, supports clairvoyancy.


Herbs / Plants:

Gardenia, Raspberry leaf, Hibiscus, Licorice, Mint, Bay leaf, Cinnamon, (sweat fruits and Honey are also great for sacral chakra)


Solar Plexus Chakra

Conscious reality you are manifesting by focusing your thoughts and personal power (or lack thereof) into specific ‘thoughts / behavior / actions’.


Here the energy / life force energy rises up from the root to the sacral to the solar plexus (kundalini energy) therefore the reality you create is heavily influenced from what is happening with the root and sacral chakra. Are your root and sacral chakras in balance / alignment?

The root chakra brings the DNA codes from ancestor creating beliefs and behavior that are automatically within you unconsciously. Then the Sacral translate those codes to emotions / feelings that are conscious (you know what you feel). So in essence you could see the root chakra as the actions/beliefs/behaviors that are part of your DNA structure (which obviously come from ancestral DNA). Because it’s part of your personality, you do not consciously know that life can be different if you choose to heal so that you may go 40-50+ years before realizing that you have the option to change beliefs/behaviors that are no longer working for your highest good.


When you decide to work on then, your sacral (where you store your emotions) the energy moves fast enough for you to heal from traumas and unhealthy behaviours / emotions. As the energy moves up your solar plexus also gets realigned so that your personal power and your understand increases as you go thru your healing journey.


The liver regulates our energy within our bodies so that the function of the liver is to know which parts of the body has the right amount of energy which one is lacking and depending on what’s going on with your body, the liver functions to send signals so that you can feel where the energy is stuck to identify it as something that needs healing.


The solar plexus represents personal power, ego, strength, and anger. Do you have a balanced ego? Do you feel anger or resentment? Do you feel frustrated?


So the root is how you react to the world, the sacral is what you internalize (your emotions) and solar plexus is what have you become by reacting and internalizing.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Solar Chakra:


Amber – Good for sacral related issues, blood/urine issues / good for fear and divine energy stuckness, emotional stagnation, good for past issues not resolved.


Golden Topaz – Perfect to help manage energy, good for poor appetitive, anorexia, bruising, menopause, sight issues. Good for people who are emotionally out of control with suicidal tendencies, who cut themselves and are overthinkers.


Tiger’s Eye – Helps dissolvers and reconstitute energy, strengthening of solar plexus, promotes focus, mental clarity and feelings of adequacy.


Citrine – Great to protect against negative energies, uplifts the spirit, helps with self-confidence, helps with stablishing boundaries, helps with those that feel like a failure. It’s a transformational stone.


Herbs / Plants:

Lemongrass, Fennel Root, Ginger, Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Anise, Cinnamon, Chamomile


Heart Chakra

If this chakra is not balanced, consider asking yourself what are the things that are impeding me from understanding & feeling my connection to others (humans, animals, plants, the planet), etc.


Are you not sensitive or overly sensitive? Do you have healthy boundaries? Do you feel like you are often taken advantage of?


The heart is an area that I have spend a lot of time speaking about in the Awakening the Healer Within Training Program. I believe the heart is very important for those of us who are walking a healer’s journey. Because its an energy center I address in detail, I recommend just checking out the video program to learn more.


In my opinion, the heart chakra holds the current challenges and conversation is having with our spirit self, it also helps to integrate the DNA expression linking ancestors to us.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Heart Chakra:


Emerald – Good for releasing addictions, brining clarity to understand the reasons for the addiction)


Jade – represents possibilities, good to ascend beyond the challenges one is experiencing, promotes wisdom and bravery

Rose-Quartz – Invigorates energy within our bodies, opens the heart, regulates blood pressure, poor circulation, and insomnia, infertility, hypothyroidism, and slow metabolism.


Fluorite – good for bones, teeth, sensory organs, lungs, stomach, liver, blood and skin. Releases toxins. Helps with disturbances in our energy, good to remove fixations in attitude and belief.


Herbs / Plants:

Motherwort, Rose, Jasmine fowers, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Hibiscus, Marjoram, Basil, Cilantro, Moringa, Sage.


The Throat Chakra

Authenticity/ expression of oneself. Do you accept yourself as you are? Do you love yourself?

I believe the throat chakra is also heavily influenced by the origins of our DNA structure /our ancient-ancient-ancient answers. The mysteries of the throat chakra in esoterism are many and most are occult knowledge that we are not permitted to share with others. Whether you are now accessing ancestors of 400 years ago or 20,000 years ago, this chakra is super important to take seriously when you are going thru your healing journey.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Throat Chakra:


Aquamarine – Known as the Breath-Stone, helps to alleviate sinus, lung issues, respiratory challenges, helps with colds, helps with hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, hyperthyroidism, jaundice, good for people with allergies, chest distress, palpitations, lower back issues, stagnation of the bowels, promotes intuition, etc.


Turquoise – Good for panic attacks, unpredictable behavior, unwillingness to change, strengthening of the crown, heart, throat, and 3rd eye as well.


Sapphire – Helps regenerate damaged organs (good for people who had cancer before), restore nerves, helps to stop excessive appetite, belching, nausea, and vomiting. Sparks enthusiasm, promotes honor and integrity, communication with deceased loved ones.


Larimar – Good for torso issues, it’s a rebuilding stone, supports change, regulates low vibration emotions, targets the throat, good for migraines, indecisiveness, mental confusion and grief.


Herbs /Plants:

Rosemary, Chamomile, Thyme, Peppermint, Red Clover.


3rd Eye Chakra

The subconscious mind, focused inward, intuition, self-realization, imagination, intelligence, deep knowledge, and wisdom.

When this chakra is very active, you may be going to past lives and future lives including parallel lives and picking up information about what may be affecting here now to give you a roadmap of what you need to focus on to heal and activate your full DNA potential. Often, this blueprint is only accessible by those that are already working on healing their lower chakras therefore it tends to be accessible only to those that are already going thru their healing journey.


Stones / Crystals / Mineral for 3rd Eye Chakra:


Sapphire – Helps regenerate damaged organs (good for people who had cancer before), restore nerves, helps to stop excessive appetite, belching, nausea, and vomiting.


Lapiz Lazuli – nourishes the liver, purifies, clears emotions, good for emotional distress, good for astral travels, hypertension, promotes strengths in solar plexus; good for those having self-confidence issues, promotes sense of connection, encourages ability to speak clearly.


Fluorite – Good for person who is stuck and has too many unnecessary boundaries, narrow attitude


Clear Quarts – strengthens the other stones when used in combination with other stones for stone therapy, great harmonizer, conducts energy and enhances the power of the other stones, it’s a conductor of energy


Herbs / Plants:

Holy basil, Jasmine, Mugwort, thyme, lavender,


Crown Chakra

Universal consciousness, dreams, mythical experiences, devotion, inspiration, prophetic thought, revelations, etc.


Do you feel connected to the world? How can you better serve humanity / animal and plant kingdom, the environment?


In my opinion, the crown reflects what the soul is working thru, the dialogue between higher self and little self at the DNA level. The dialogue between higher self (your being of light), your DNA strands and the spirit (your little self) that creates the reality we perceive.


The heart chakra holds the current challenges and conversation is having with our spirit self, it also conveys the DNA expression linking ancestors to you now.

Stones / Crystals / Mineral for Crown Chakra:

Amethyst – A combination of fire and water, enhances other stones, harmonizer, address blood circulation, helps with DNA repairs

Diamond – Draws energy to the brain, good for poor vision, promotes universal love; when used longer term promotes rigidity, it can prevent you from seeing the problems if you aren’t well balanced

Alexandrine – A source stone, good if you have difficult receiving love from others, people who don’t love themselves and multiple personalities changes

Mahogany Obsidian – Good for crown , 3rd eye and throat; good for depression, fear, PTSD and hopelessness

Herbs / Plants:

Lavender, Gotu Kola, Frankincense, Basil, Lemon Balm, Myrrh, Lotus

More stones to consider?

Dendritic Agate for rebellious energy / conception issues

Hematite and Aragonite for depression, weak immune system, oesteporosi, epilepsy, seizures, mania, nightmares, and high/low blood pressure

Citrine / Smokey Quartz, Blue or Red Tiger’s Eye good for back of the neck issues / mouth of the goddess cleansing

Apophyllite / Azurite / Malachite / Emerald / Barite good for 3rd eye and throat issues

Calcite / Rhodochrosite / Lapiz Lazuli and Moonstone good for hands and feet issues

Smoky Quartz good to move energy toward lower chakras, impotence, infertility, low libido, lower back issues, cough, fatigue

Rhyolite / Leopardskin / Rainforest Agate-Jasper good for breaking up accumulations (moving energy up), helps to eliminate water retention, constipation, kidney issues, gallstones, arthritis, fibromyalgia, stress, obesity, pre-diabetes, toxins from addictions, feeling stuck, good for protecting during meditation, grounding, etc. don’t use if you have a history of cancer or HIV.

Flint / Strike Flint is good to burn up negativity, stimulates energy out of the body, bring deep consciousness, wisdom and moves energy up and out. Place under pillows if having nightmares.

Onyx is good for activation hearing that feels like tetanus.

Desert Rose (Gypsum) is good for relaxation during meditation

Amazonite strengthens will power, promotes clarity, good for poor vision, chest distress & anger

Jet (Lignite) – good for dark night of the soul, bereavement, if you are negative about the world, it absorbs heat and removes stagnation. Good for insomnia and nightmares, loss of will power and tremors.

Black Obsidian – Good if you don’t think you have what it takes to go forward


Aura Knowledge

*if you want to get a deeper understanding of the different stones / crystals / minerals see Stone Medicine by Leslie J. Franks


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