
Hypnotherapy - a Heart Centered Body-Based Transpersonal Healing Method

My approach is trauma-conscious, body-based (somatic) and heart-centered healing experience that expands beyond the physical to include the body, mind, soul, & spirit.

awakening the healer within with victoria amador soul healing tribe

My unique approach utilizes a combination of years of shamanic / spiritual trainings with trauma-conscious techniques to explore the depths of your subconscious, past wounds, emotional / mental state and release limiting beliefs and habits. Our soul is timeless, it exists on a non-physical reality. Therefore, the past wounds we’ve experienced continue to affect us if our soul could not integrate the experience accordingly.

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy sessions can be done in person or online.







Some Client Success Stories

Yvette shares her healing journey of releasing deep rooted trauma and a voice that haunted her for 8+ years.

Listen to Omar sharing his journey of childhood abuse, dark thoughts and how he overcame it all!

Listen to MJ's success story about life wounds and her healing journey as a result of working with me.

Who's Victoria Amador?

Hi Beautiful Souls! I am Victoria Amador – a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Healer. Despite founding and operating several businesses with my family over the last 14 years, in 2021, I committed myself solely to my healing / hypnotherapy / spiritual regression practice. I’ve been in the healing arts for over 9 years and love every bit of it. Therefore, my approach to Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is a combination of my shamanic, spiritual knowledge combined with therapeutic protocols. 

My training at the accredited Wellness Institute primarily focused on trauma healingMy extensive experience in shamanism and ancestral spiritual practices, combined with various alternative healing modalities had led me to create my own unique approach and technique. My training in traditional and transpersonal trauma work, transpersonal hypnotherapy and coaching allows me to better understand how to serve my clients more effectively and efficiently. I have also trained in various techniques such as QHHT, Past Life Regression, Soul Regression (In Between Lives Regression), Spirit Releasement Therapy, Transpersonal Coaching, and Clinical Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy.  My dedication to my craft is evident as I continued to expand my skills, in an intensive 2-year trauma focused internship. I also studied with the renown Surgeon Dr. Cabouli in Intensive Past Life Regression Therapy, and with Dr. Hans Ten Dam on Accident Trauma Release.

In 2021, I founded, Soul Healing Tribe and the Awakening the Healer Within Training Program to help those struggling in their spiritual awakening to release traumas, fears, and doubts. It was clear that a lot of these powerful healers had a lot of soul wounds to let go off to create the life they wanted. 

Over the few years, I’ve helped over 400+ clients release traumas / limiting beliefs and blockages to find peace and clarity that they have been seeking all their lives.

One session is just the beginning of the journey. This is one of the few reasons why I stopped working with one-time clients at the end of 2022. However, I want to support my current clients as they continue their healing path, and this may be the best way to do so now.

I’ll keep these one-time sessions available until further notice. I hope I get the opportunity to meet and serve you (and all of who you are, your soul and spirit).

Frequently Asked Questions

Each session is 90 mins long. For 1st time clients that I have not interacted with before, I’ll take 15 mins to really get to know what the problem or opportunity is based on your intention for the session. If you are looking for the complete sessions where we spend anywhere between 4-6+ hours in each session, check out the https://soulhealingtribe.com/awakeningthehealerwithin 

Expect a compassionate and supportive environment where you will explore your own experiences, feelings, sensations, challenges, traumas, opportunities, etc. Each session is designed to address specific emotional and spiritual challenges, guiding you towards unlocking and embracing your inner strength and self-love.

You can choose to book additional one off sessions that are 90 mins long. Or you can choose to invest in a full program experience if you are serious and ready to embark on a deep healing journey.

Unlike traditional therapy, which can extend over years, this program utilizes intensive sessions that can address deep-seated issues in a shorter period. With Victoria’s expertise, sessions are focused and profound, often achieving results faster than conventional methods.

I fully understand this treatment is not a substitute for medical treatment and it may take several sessions before I notice any benefit. This will depend on my lifestyle, ongoing medication, and general health. I understand that if I have been untruthful with my details or have failed to give enough relevant information the outcome of any regression therapy could be adversely affected, and my health and well-being may be put at risk.

I understand Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe does not claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician.

Victoria’s opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative practitioner and her professional opinions, advice, examinations and recommendations do NOT constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician. 

It’s fully understood that Victoria Amador, is a non-therapeutic practitioner, meaning that she does not practice medical hypnotherapy or hypnosis to address mental or physical illness in a therapeutic medical environment. This also means that she does not work based on medical diagnosis.

It’s important to show up sober, please no drugs or alcohol or recreational substances at least 24 hours prior to your session and after your session for best results.

Try to minimize caffeine the day of your session.

Please do not consume any micro-dose of mushrooms, HTC, etc.

Please review all the terms and conditions here. https://soulhealingtribe.com/terms/


Your ‘Therapy’ Session or Program is a partnership. We will work with your subconscious mind, yet the intentions you set, the preparation you make and the actions you take are critical to you getting your best outcomes. The more you put in, the more you get out. I can’t do the work for you, so you really must be a very willing participant in your own healing journey!

In this partnership, I have a responsibility to guide you through a great healing process, and you have a personal responsibility to focus on following that process with earnest diligence.

Remember to be present, work hard, reflect, contemplate, be open and honest, be able to get emotionally naked for best optimal healing results.

Do that, and the Terms and Conditions will automatically be adhered to. For clarity, and in case of wandering off the path, here are the policies for variations from this way.

The Five Vital Tips / Prerequisites

1) Work on Communication / with your Inner / Higher Self often – daily and develop a strong sisterhood / brotherhood. Learn to do so DAILY even if its just for 3 mins!

2) Learn to Trust your Higher Self – and please show on time to your appointments. If your apt is online be ready 15 mins before the call. We can’t waste time on setting up technology or addressing tech issues….if your apt is in person please be respectful and show up on time. It often gets cold in the office please bring a sweater. If you use socks for sleeping, please make sure you bring a pair to use as well.

3) Get ready for your sessions! Resistance whether conscious or unconsciously happens. I get it. I’ll guide you through whatever resistance shows up BUT you have to be willing to be guided. Please don’t expect me to take your healing as YOUR Responsibility. If you book a session, show up and then want to stop because you don’t feel comfortable feeling, you are doing yourself a big disservice. You’ve already paid, the time is blocked for you so you might as well use the time wisely. If you decide to end your session before the session / time is up there will be no refund. If you book and don’t show up, you forfeit your session and your session fees. So I highly recommend for you to book only if you are serious about doing this deep healing work.

4) Be like a child! You have to be willing to participate fully and trying your best to go with the flow – even when it sounds crazy / too magically or too weird or imaginary….you have to trust that Victoria has been given the right tools and trainings to help you!

5) Be Sober – Please do not take any drugs to relax you. No alcohol, marijuana or relaxation pills. Continue to take your prescribed medications from your doctor but know that antidepressants may very well affect your ability to connect with your emotions. If there is a block in your connecting to your emotion healing is limited and would require many more sessions (which is fine as long as we are both on the same page).


6)  Wear clean comfy clothes. Please limit makeup, keep it as light as possible or waterproof because tears will make eyeliner and mascara flow.

7) If you colored your hair days before your session, please let me know so that I can use something to protect the pillowcase from getting stained.

If the five fundamental prerequisites are not met, you won’t get the most out of working with me.

The following are some of the most important terms of service.

  1. I am willing and able to be guided through relaxation, visual imagery, hypnosis, and the different techniques needed for the best results possible. I am fully aware that these modalities are spiritual-based and non-medical in nature, and it is my full responsibility to consult with a medical professional about any changes in my condition or changes in my medication. In no way, any spiritual sessions with Victoria Amador, Soul Healing Tribe / and any other known programs run by Victoria are meant to be taken as medical advice or legal counsel.
  2. I fully understand these techniques and modalities are not meant to replace any medical or legal counsel. It’s my full responsibility to seek medical counsel. Medications if any are not to be stopped / reduced or replaced in any way without a medical practitioner’s approval.
  3. I understand that I need to be spiritual mature enough to know that these techniques do not require me to be asleep. Hypnotherapy, regression work and other tools Victoria uses to guide you do not require you to be asleep. On the contrary, I need to be conscious in order to participate and collaborate with my Higher Self in order to experience the best results possible.
  4. I fully understand that I must be a willing participant in my own healing process. It’s my responsibility to do a lot of self-reflection and contemplation for optimal results. I also understand these are healing modalities in which my Higher Self is the master healer and therefore, I heal myself. Victoria Amador is simply a guide, a practitioner to moderate the conversation between myself and my Higher Self.
  5. I understand that I must be open and honest in order for Victoria Amador to be able to help me establish a strong connection with my Higher Self. The more you hide from true feelings, the more time it would require.
  6. I understand all sessions are no longer recorded. I
  7. I understand the refund / rescheduling / cancellation terms.

Victoria is remarkable. After just two sessions, I’ve experienced profound changes. I confronted deep abandonment issues and low self-esteem, journeying back to my childhood traumas and finally finding forgiveness for myself and my family. This process unleashed a surge of self-love and a capacity to forgive those who hurt me. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life, free from the burdens of the past. I’ve never felt so free, so whole, so authentically me. Joy and purpose now flow naturally into my life and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Jessica Fetters

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