Hello beautiful souls,
In this blog post, I want to explore the topic of intuition. Recently, I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with Abby Havermann, a former psychotherapist, Tedx Speaker, and Executive Coach.
I want to highlight Abby’s podcast because she has interviewed some truly fascinating guests. In the realm of transpersonal healing, we often discuss how listening to others’ sessions can facilitate our own healing. I hope that by tuning into Abby’s interviews, you find inspiration, healing, and motivation to enrich your life.
You can discover her podcast, The Intuition Incubator, here. This podcast focuses on conversations about our connection to self, intuitive insights, spiritual abilities, and much more. It’s an incredible resource, and I encourage you to check it out. Abby is also a TEDx speaker and simply wonderful.
The 7 Seals for Unlocking the Power of Intuition
Exploring Intuition: Pain & Suffering
Let’s take a moment to discuss pain and suffering, and why they are crucial for cultivating reliable intuition.
- Shifting Perspectives:
- Instead of adopting a “poor me” mentality, consider asking, “What wisdom can this past trauma offer me?”
- By reframing our experiences, we open ourselves to healing and growth.
I’ve discovered immense sweetness and wisdom in confronting my own wounds; I truly believe that everything I endured happened for my benefit, not against me. When we view our past traumas solely through the lens of pain, we fall into a victim mentality. This perspective can be addictive, making it difficult to take responsibility for our own reality.
I understand that this viewpoint may not resonate with everyone. Many may feel I’m romanticizing trauma. However, I speak from my own experience with various forms of trauma throughout my life. If we don’t release this victim mentality, we cannot explore our true selves or develop reliable intuition. Trauma can distort our signals, so unless we work through these experiences and reprogram our subconscious, we cannot accurately interpret our intuitive insights.
- Confronting the Subconscious:When doing psychedelics or sacred plant medicine, we sometimes arrive at a deep, dark ocean, sitting in a small boat and wondering why it feels so scary. It’s frightening to dive deep into our subconscious, especially at first, because we may confront aspects of ourselves we’ve repressed in order to avoid accepting the pain we’ve caused others, the mistakes we’ve made, and how we feel. Deep down, there is a part of us that knows we are doing this to ourselves, and it’s scary not to have someone else to blame, as this means we must take full responsibility for our beliefs, behaviors, and the reality we have created.As we dive deeper into our healing and spiritual awakening journey, we awaken old memories of our ancient history—our ancestors, the planet, and our soul. Some may call this the law of divine memory. When we deny this process, we live in dishonor to who we are, our ancestors, our collective humankind, and everyone who is part of our experience, including starseed families.
As we progress in our healing and spiritual journeys, we awaken ancient memories connected to our ancestors and the planet. This is sometimes referred to as the law of divine memory. Denying this process means living in dishonor to ourselves and our collective history.
The Impact of Collective Memory – Physical Body Holds All the IMPRINTS IN OUR DNA
Because our physical bodies contain the collective memory of humankind stored in our DNA, we simply can’t escape feeling certain fears that affect how we perceive reality. This creates issues when we are picking up subtleties from our environment, and because we haven’t worked enough with our bodies, we sometimes can’t decipher those messages clearly. The shadow parts stored in our subconscious or unconscious are materials given to our shadow aspect—the etheric body, or our divine twin—that holds all the material the ego doesn’t want to confront, as the ego seeks to maintain a self-image that doesn’t ‘destroy’ its perception of who it thinks it is. I use the term etheric twin to refer to the etheric and astral bodies interchangeably.
- Understanding Our Shadow (our divine twin)
- Our shadow aspects, which reside in the subconscious, hold material we often avoid because of our ego’s desire to maintain a certain self-image
- Our shadow aspects, which reside in the subconscious, hold material we often avoid because of our ego’s desire to maintain a certain self-image
The astral body is a crucial layer of our aura that collects, stores, and transmits all human emotions and desires. It plays a significant role in our spiritual journey, especially as it relates to our dreams. Our astral body can influence our perception of reality; when we carry unresolved traumas, it may feel like we’re living in a state of turmoil. This is why healing the astral body is essential.
If you haven’t yet explored this aspect of your being, I highly recommend joining our Dream Program. This program focuses on healing the astral body during sleep and through dream work. By engaging with your dreams, you can unlock profound insights, process emotional pain, and release blockages that may be hindering your spiritual growth. A healthy astral body is vital not just for your spiritual journey but also for your overall well-being. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your healing journey—check out the Dream Program today!
So let’s explore the seven seals and why they are crucial for anchoring the higher aspects of our soul / spirit permanently.
The Monadic body encompasses concepts that are too vast to cover in detail here, but it involves the ability to journey into lower worlds for shamanic healing at will. This exploration of lower realms is essential for awakening the divine will to investigate non-physical worlds. This represents the first holy trinity—Divine Will. For a person to access their Monadic body fully, awareness must be completely present in the Atmic body; otherwise, reliable journeying becomes challenging.
Individuals can achieve this connection through various means: some use sacred medicine, while others turn to prayer, contemplation, or meditation. Drumming, as practiced in the 21 Divisions with Palo, allows us to channel other beings and explore different realms. By entering deep trance states through sound, we can further expand our consciousness and experience the richness of these other dimensions.
The lower three bodies—Physical, Astral, and Mental—are absorbed into their higher frequency counterparts: the Causal, Buddhic, and Atmic bodies. This reveals the true mystical nature of the trinity as three in one. We don’t get rid of the physical body; rather, we gain the ability to transform ourselves into another form to travel through other worlds, which may be disturbing to some. We do this for various reasons: soul retrieval for ourselves or others, learning and understanding, observation, and teaching, among others.
One of the fears associated with this process is the fear of losing control, along with the desire to hurt others (whether animals or humans), to break things, etc. Individuals may struggle with antisocial behaviors and can easily hurt others with their words.
In our “Heal the Healer, Become a Healing Practitioner” training, we spend time discussing the 7 seals and how to find clues in the Bible. For the sake of this conversation, I want to mention some of these concepts here, as they are crucial for understanding Kundalini.
The Seven Seals and Kundalini / Anchoring Higher Aspects of the Self into the Physical Body Permanently
The Seven Seals: Keys to Transformation
In our exploration of intuition and healing, the concept of the Seven Seals is crucial. Each seal represents a transformative energy that can aid in our spiritual development:
- First Seal: Divine Will and the Wound of REPRESSION
- Meaning: Represents the will to heal what has been repressed in our psyche (and our body).
- Healing Focus: Opening this seal involves exploring subconscious fears. Doing so can alleviate physical tension and pain, particularly if you suffer from conditions like arthritis.
- Second Seal: Omniscience
- Meaning: Addresses the wound of denial, often manifested as anger or frustration.
- Healing Focus: This seal challenges us to take responsibility for our negative behaviors. Understanding our anger can lead to significant personal growth.
- Third Seal: Universal Love
- Meaning: Represents the wound of shame.
- Healing Focus: Opening this seal allows us to embrace grace within our pain and trauma, recognizing that these experiences can lead to profound lessons and self-discovery.
- Fourth Seal: Epiphany
- Meaning: Focuses on healing the wounds of rejection.
- Healing Focus: This seal encourages self-acceptance, allowing us to embrace our imperfections and attract relationships that appreciate our authenticity.
- Fifth Seal: Forgiveness
- Meaning: Connected to guilt and guilt-related patterns.
- Healing Focus: Forgiving others and us releases karmic ties, creating a snowball effect of healing that empowers us to set healthy boundaries and communicate clearly.
- Sixth Seal: Truth
- Meaning: Addresses the wound of separation, often tied to ancestral trauma.
- Healing Focus: This seal emphasizes the importance of ancestral healing and recognizing our interconnectedness with all of humanity, allowing us to embrace the energy of truth.
- Seventh Seal: Grace
- Meaning: Represents a profound connection to divine revelations.
- Healing Focus: This seal brings about a flood of insights and truths, often experienced during altered states of consciousness. It allows us to absorb higher vibrational energies and integrate them into our being.
The 1st seal of Divine Will / Surrendering – the will to heal what has been repressed in our psyche / our subconsciousness and physical body. This repression doesn’t just hide what we don’t want to be aware of because of how much pain we have endured or imposed on others, but it also hides the higher bodies of who we are. In essence, the karma results in fears; the more conscious and unconscious fears we have, the more impossible it is to awaken. When we relax and explore, becoming curious about what has been repressed, we can open this seal. Openness to allowing the body to relax allows for the higher bodies to give us unconscious material – this is why doing dream work is so powerful for healing and spiritual development.
The 2nd seal of Omniscience is the wound of Denial – this is often experienced through feelings of anger, rage, frustration, and aggression. This most likely means that you are unable to see and take responsibility for your own negative behaviors and beliefs. Because of how we are programmed, this seal is quite challenging to work through. Since most people don’t want to take responsibility, the more we confront them by saying they have anger issues, the worse it gets. The higher aspects of the person show up in dreams or altered states of consciousness to help them start understanding aspects of themselves that allow them to question their rage, anger, and frustration.
The 3rd seal of Universal Love is the wound of shame. This universal love, as I see it, begins when the heart chakra starts to open and we realize that there is grace in the pain, sadness, and traumas. There is wisdom and goodness in these experiences, as most of those wounds have been there to help us overcome our greatest lessons so we can awaken to our true selves. The more powerful the healer, the more they have had to endure to learn what it feels like to be in a ditch.
The 4th seal of Epiphany – healing the wounds of rejection! We become fully aware of and accept who we are, with our imperfections and the things we know that may not be ideal for others but are now okay for ourselves. We don’t make excuses for who we are and can be authentic about what we want, need, and expect. Because this is done authentically, there is a gracious energy to the imperfections that attracts others into our lives who appreciate that we are having this experience and want to make the most of it.
The 5th seal of Forgiveness is also an energy of Grace, knowing that when we forgive, we release those people and therefore release all their families, descendants, and ancestors from their ties to whoever we need to forgive. It’s a snowball effect that’s beautiful beyond belief. This seal relates to guilt and guilt-related patterns. It has the capacity for peace—peace for ourselves, for others, and for humankind. When we release, forgive, and let go, we free ourselves from karmic ties and stop the energy flow that sends expectations outward. We release what doesn’t serve us, which brings a higher sense of being in our power, standing strong and empowered, knowing what healthy boundaries need to be set moving forward. There is clear communication, and the throat and heart realign to allow energy to flow to the higher chakras, bringing in even more clarity and a higher sense of perception.
The 6th seal is the seal of Truth – healing the wound of separation. This is why I love doing ancestral healing, because many of the wounds of separation are encoded in our gene pool from our ancestors. Through epigenetics, we know scientifically that this is true. In shamanism, we understand that we are the sum of our ancestors, and doing ancestral healing is essential for anyone who is serious about a spiritual path. This opens the seal of Truth, allowing us to realize that we are one and that we are the sum of humankind, regardless of our skin color or the place and family we were born into. The more work you do, the more you become entranced by the energy of TRUTH.
The 7th seal is the seal of Grace – with 7 angels and 7 trumpets representing the entering of the spirit of GRACE. Some may refer to this as the spirit of Venus. Here, we may experience an immense flooding of divine revelations and truths, like a vast light shower of grace descending upon us. We absorb the ‘light codes’ or ethereal light, however you perceive it, as it comes into our skin and into ourselves. We may not understand all of it immediately, but there will be so many truths upon truths that, unless you know how to hold that energy, you may only understand a small percentage of all that you are receiving.
To end with….
Navigating the journey of healing and spiritual awakening is complex, but by working through our pain, embracing our intuition, and engaging with these seals, we can cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and our purpose.
In a future blog, I’ll explore the nine stages of the initiation process. Until then, may you find inspiration and strength on your journey.
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