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Soul Healing Tribe - A Sacred Soul Alignment Experience

West Palm Beach in Person and Online Sessions

The Purpose of Pain in Our Lives?

What’s The Purpose of Pain in Our Lives!?

Hello beautiful souls, Victoria Amador here from soulhealingtribe.com.

I want to focus on a few major takeaways from different trainings I’ve participated over the last few years or so. Hopefully the knowledge can transform into wisdom for you as well!

I want to first highlight 4 major takeaways from these different trainings on alternative medicine, transpersonal therapy, and others courses and programs.

These are:

  • 1. Health is a process! It’s not a state! There is this concept Dr. Bizkarra always talks about that he received by tapping into ancient native wisdom of shamanism, this idea that for him health is truth in thinking!, beauty in feeling!, goodness in doing! All three lead to health. I found his perspective on health wise especially since for a while now I’ve been on this journey of discovering the wisdom of my body and how truly amazing this body really is. Hopefully by the end of this video you’ll be able to appreciate why I so agree with Dr. Bizkarra and his philosophy of health.
  • 2. Disease can reveal our unconscious shadows and lead us to self-awareness and growth. This is something that also Bizcarra references back to Antonio Blay someone who was truly ahead of his years. In the USA eventually we came to the same conclusion as Blay and Steiner, and others who promotes the idea that pain leads us back to finding our path. It took me many-many years before truly accepting and truly integrating this idea that all the pain and suffering I’ve endured, and my clients have endured is letting us know we’ve deviated from our path and the body is simply letting us know how to find our way back. I think it took me so long to truly understand this over 7 years at least. Although I believed in those words ‘consciously’ since I was a child. My grandma had a huge influence in me believing that all the pain I endured as a child with my bone infection was a blessing, I would look at her confused, so I knew she saw it as a testament that with her prayer I survived what doctors couldn’t save me from which led me to believe I was very faithful when in reality I was just bitter about the whole situation with repressed anger about all the pain I had to endure. And although a part of me wanted to believe my grandma that I was here to do something amazing, I just couldn’t understand. Since I was 7 or so I got used to hearing those words and her belief that the infection was a testament that I was here to do something miraculously because more than once I was supposed to die and with her prayer the saints and virgin of Altagracia saved me.


  • But it wasn’t until the last few years when something finally clicked, regardless of what I am supposed to do here for others, this body is truly amazing. I was so angry with my body for a whole lifetime because I couldn’t walk for years, I had to drag myself on the ground / or floor to get to people, I dragged myself in the hospital floor when my family had to leave me there (yes back in the days in the DR that was allowed!). Anyways, I was so angry with nobody else but my body that I was punishing my body for betraying me but then one day it clicked, the pain was that I felt that I betrayed my body. I’ve been betraying my body for a whole lifetime. I continue to betray my body even now by no moving it, by not walking. I just do, and I got into this mind battle and sometimes the part of me that just wants to read and contemplate wins over the part of me that wants to go for a walk or get on my treadmill. It’s a daily battle and although I am confident one day it will come to an end, until them this battle helps me understand myself better and I am ok with that.

healing journey

  • And the 3rd insight is that this healing journey is truly a lifelong journey. Yes, we can work in a program with a specific problem or situation, but the overall healing journey doesn’t end, even to the day we die we are still working thru releasing or integrating aspects of ourselves to get ready for whatever comes next after death.


  • Doing your inner work takes time, patience and perseverance
  • And a 4th key insight and now ability that I’ve developed and worked on for years and years is the ability to listen to my core self…now combine that with my body wisdom and the appreciation for it and the intuition goes to another level…it simply does. To learn to listen to our inner self is a natural gift we all have…we don’t need to be initiated or whatever, we just must heal so that our body can do its job much more effectively. At a lot of the time the voices / thoughts / beliefs we have do not belong to us…but how would you know that if you don’t pay attention to what’s happening inside of you? In your internal mindscape and body?


In one of the trainings while the professor was teaching, I had this aha ‘you know that icky feeling you have when someone looks at you and gives you that overall body scan like they are trying to determine just by looking at the exterior of you, your clothes, your demeanor, the way you sit or stand, the way you talk that somehow they would already determine if you are worth their time or not, or that they have figured out who you are just by doing that? They had made so many assumptions about you and maybe you haven’t even spoken to them for more than a few short mins. I realized we also do that when we are judging if someone healthy or not. And in the same way we make those assumptions, how people appear to be healthy but are struggling with deep mental / emotional challenges or physical pain that can’t be seen with the naked eyes.


The qualities of a healthy person are much harder to pinpoint because our health changes depending on what we are going thru emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as well it’s not just at the physical level. Health therefore can’t be simply a fixed state of being but rather an ongoing process of coming back to the self.


As Dr. Bizcarra often mentions, shamanic ancient wisdom talks about truth in thinking, beauty in feeling, and goodness in doing to indicate when health and inner harmony is present. And that the Disease reveals unconscious parts of us needing attention.


So here are some tips:


  • I always talk about the fact that we need meditation, contemplation and reflection time. I just can’t see how we can heal and awaken / develop spiritually without being able to do so. Discipline here is key…start with 1 min then 5 then eventually 10, 15 and 30 mins per day. It will change your life.
  • Stillness which I can’t live without is the capacity to sit with oneself and go in my mindscape into my subconscious ocean like an observer. Just noticing what pops up.
  • I am addicted to getting to know myself, for most of my life it was my subconscious mind / unconscious mind and finally I have incorporated the missing piece, my body, the vehicle that partnered up with my soul to navigate this experience of life. Self-knowledge takes time, patience and perseverance.
  • If you know pain and suffering is giving you messages that you’ve deviated from your life path and soul’s purpose and it’s an opportunity to make it right, what would you start doing today? I also realized that I was holding on to a lot of emotional turmoil because I was worried about the expectations of others. In one of the trainings with Doctor Siegel on neurobiology, he spoke about integration and qualities of the relationship dynamics and how it affects the way we perceive ourselves as part of a unit or separate from the unit. So, in this way, could disease be pointing us towards what expectations from others may we be holding on to that needs to be integrated? Perhaps doing so much for others so I can forget my own pain or that I can show my true value?
  • And another thing that I’ve been speaking on for a long time now is the idea of projections…how we project our shadow aspects…. i mean no one teaches us to learn to reflect after crucial or difficult conversations with others…. i didn’t learn that in childhood, teenager years or later in life. I came to that after a lot of healing and self-reflection and shamanic trainings. Yes, our ancestors knew it but did this wisdom get passed down to us? In several of my ancestral shamanic practices, we never speak about shadow work, triggers or projections, it just doesn’t happen, so we get a lot of spiritual tools but very or no tools for this life in the physical.
  • And lastly, the fact that we get so many of these answers of what we need to integrate in our dreams and meditations, but people just don’t know how to do this work which is why I started the dream research program. To learn more visit soulhealingtribe.com/dream-program

  • And for those who want a free human design and quantum human design chart and report visit soulhealingtribe.com and you’ll be able to pull a 12 pages report for free.

  • awakeningthehealerwithintrainingprogram.com
  • health journey#healingjourney #westpalmbeach #spiritualjourney #healingpath #breathwork #transpersonalhealing #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualdevelopment

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