
7 Signs for Empaths to Be Aware of When Healing Others

7 Signs for Empaths to Be Aware of When Healing Others

As a healer or empath, your ability to channel positive energy is a powerful gift. However, this openness can sometimes leave you vulnerable to absorbing negative energies during healing sessions. Recognizing the signs of energy contamination and knowing how to cleanse yourself are crucial skills for maintaining your well-being and effectiveness as a healer / empath.

Signs of Negative Energy Absorption

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After a healing session or contact with someone who may be leaving you feeling a little off, be aware of these potential indicators that you may have picked up unwanted energies:

  1. Unexplained emotional shifts: Feeling down or angry without an apparent cause.
  2. Sudden fatigue: Experiencing an abrupt onset of tiredness post-healing.
  3. Intrusive thoughts: Having unusual thoughts that seem foreign to you.
  4. New physical discomfort: Noticing aches and pains that weren’t present before.
  5. Temperature changes: Suddenly feeling cold after the healing session.
  6. Unusual cravings: Developing a strong desire for sugar.
  7. Disturbed sleep: Experiencing bad dreams or nightmares.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to take action to cleanse and rebalance your energy. Ideally, you are doing some of the things below after you work energetically with people (friends, family members or clients or even random people who come in contact with you and leave you feeling off).

Here are ten effective techniques to help you transmute negative energies:

  1. Grounding: Visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the earth. This technique helps you connect with the stabilizing energy of the planet, allowing excess or negative energy to flow away from you.
  2. Salt bath: Immerse yourself in a warm bath infused with sea salt or Epsom salt. Salt is known for its purifying properties and can help draw out negative energies from your aura and body.
  3. Sage smudging: Burn sage and gently waft the smoke around your body. This ancient practice is believed to cleanse spaces and individuals of negative energies.
  4. Crystal cleansing: Utilize the power of crystals by holding or placing black tourmaline or selenite on your body. These stones are known for their protective and cleansing properties.
  5. White light visualization: Close your eyes and imagine a bright, pure white light surrounding and permeating your entire being. Visualize this light dissolving any dark or negative energies.
  6. Deep breathing: Practice slow, deep breaths to clear your energy field. Focus on inhaling positive energy and exhaling any negativity you may have absorbed.
  7. Sound cleansing: Use singing bowls, bells, or chanting to create vibrations that can help break up and disperse negative energy patterns.
  8. Awaken the Healer Within with Victoria Amador
    Awaken the Healer Within with Victoria Amador

    Nature walk: Spend time outdoors to reset your energy. Nature has a natural ability to balance and harmonize our energetic fields.

  9. Energy cord cutting: Visualize energetic cords connecting you to others and gently cut these cords. This practice helps release any lingering energetic attachments from your healing sessions.
  10. Affirmations: Repeat positive statements to shift your energy. Examples include “I am cleansed and protected” or “I release all that does not serve me.”

By incorporating these techniques into your post-healing routine, you can maintain your energetic hygiene and continue to provide effective healing services without compromising your own well-being. Remember, as a healer or empath, your self-care is just as important as the care you provide to others.

Regular practice of these cleansing methods can enhance your abilities and protect you from energetic burnout. Trust me, I’ve paid the price by being lazy sometimes when it comes to clearing my healing studio and myself after working with some clients that struggled with heavy traumas and energy attachments.

Stay attuned to your body and emotions, and don’t hesitate to use these techniques whenever you feel the need. With consistent care and attention to your energetic health, you can continue to be a clear and powerful channel for healing energy.


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