3 Awakening Stages Channeled Message by Arcturians

Channeled Message by Arcturians on the different awakening stages! And its meaning!

To find out at which stage you are in simply ask yourself:

  1. Do you fear or respect your spirit guides, ancestors, light beings etc? stage 1 or 2 depending on whats happening with your heart chakra.
  2. Are there triggers that keep repeating not matter what you do? (if yes, there is more healing to be done before you advance to 3rd stage) – you may be in stage 1 or 2…
  3. Do you follow blindly without questioning certain practices without investigating / reading / meditating? If yes then you are at stage 1 perhaps….keep on meditating to push thru…you can do it!

Channeled messages are to bring clarity – if you are more confused than before, then this message may or may not be for you! Take what resonate and leave the rest! Don’t get hung up on all the little stuff….lets take one day at a time and enjoy the moment!


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