Cord Cutting vs Cord Releasement

Energy Cords: Cord Cutting vs Properly Releasing Cords

Please excuse grammar or typos – Im just flowing here so its more like a conversation!

First thing I want to explain is that cord cutting is just cutting it without properly understanding why it needed to be fully heal in the first place. Therefore, I do not recommend it and in this blog and video I discuss why proper energetic cords should be released instead of cut /severed.

Releasement is full releasement from roots (from roots of the attachment / the origins of the connection when the trauma started sometimes even before you establish a connection with a person). The trauma may be present from past lives or early childhood memories and when different people comes into our lives we may place so much importance / value that we could develop dependencies, other traumas etc eventually resulting in energetic cords to be compromised.

Energetic cords normally are formed when there is a strong energetic exchange normally emotional ties (thoughts) such as romantic emotions, passions hate, uncontrolled jealousy, anger, and other extreme emotions between 2 people or more. It could even be a family group or a community or even races etc….thats why when doing energy releasement sometimes we tend to find a group of energies that are linked together similar to what we discussed in the astral larva video where one entity is released but it looks like many or hundreds potentially even thousands. But for the sake of this conversation, I want to keep it simple and discuss the energetic cords between 2 people just for simplicity.

Sometimes the 2nd person involved is not even consciously aware of the tight and perhaps you are connected to someone who had strong emotions towards you due to karmic balancing acts, but you may not even be aware of it now in this life.

For example, a karmic balancing act from a previous life may still be keeping an energetic tie between you and someone who you barely know or don’t know! You may feel a certain way about relationships, yourself etc because of this karmic balancing that needs to happen, unaware why its happening and because you may have not met the person in this life you have no idea where the problem comes from so in a past life regression is where we can investigate these feelings…sometimes a spiritist if you share in details the problem and go into the akashic realm to pull the info but a good amount of time most people are not going to understand this and think its not a spirit issue so I don’t know how to help you which is why most of the time a past life regression would be most appropriate unless you already know the person and the spiritist / priest/ess can help you ‘cut’ the cords.

Anyways so most energetic cords are based on emotions:

Emotions such as resentments, fear, and anger can also create ties against archenemies, families, partners and friends, work colleagues, and so on. Past life traumas, killing or being killed in a past life, being abused or being the abuser…

Cords normally can have deep roots so ensure you ask for those roots to be completed plugged out. If you don’t feel the energy moving thru your body its possible you need to do the exercise again.
You may think you cleared it out and if there is some debris, you’ll still have to deal with it until you heal it 100%.

From a quantum healing practitioner point of view and 21 divisions priestess – I’ll discuss the following with you based on my opinion:

You go to a priest/ess in 21 divisions and most of the time they may not take these issues seriously to heal it b/c you have to know the other person in order for us to know what to do – it’s hard to cut a cord without having the 2 people and seeing the two people in order to cut – you can cleanse and align and this and that but the reality is that only when you understand why the cord is there, what happened to cause the trauma only then the subconscious mind can say we can now start healing this —normally it takes time for the entire process to heal but it starts with awareness…having a deep sense of desperately wanting to let go of the trauma is key.

I’ve known people who had cord cutting ceremonies and then deal with the problem yet again b/c the roots were still planted they were not taken out so to cut the cord is what happens a lot in many occult practices were the person wants a quick fix…fix me now and then 3 months later another issue brings them back, cut me again, another sacrifice, another repeated behavior because you haven’t learned the purpose of why the cord was there in the first place.

Cutting is problematic because if you don’t understand, you don’t heal, you don’t take responsibility for your side so you continue to make the mistakes and potentially pass that to your descendants for them to deal with.

Releasement is a very different approach – a responsible healing experience with this most likely you wont find with traditional occultist because they aren’t trained to be hypnotherapist – very rarely you going to find someone like me that is a priestess and a prof hypnotherapist / spiritual past life regression professional (quantum healing professional) who offers these therapeutic services. I’ve been told time and time again by my spirit team that surface healing is like doing half of the surgery, you can’t heal 100% with half of the surgery, you have to go deep and go to the roots of the problems that’s why I felt in love with quantum healing – b/c you can go to past lives or early childhood memories to find the origins in order to heal the origin therefore healing the story of that connection.

I’ve also heard so many stories from clients who had done past life regression but didn’t heal the traumas from those lives before proceeding because they don’t understand fully the spirit realm! You have to pick the right practitioners that can understand how to do the hypnotherapy and also fully understands the spirit concepts / astral and higher realms to be able to ask the right questions, guide you in the process and know how to spot clues to investigate further and together because there is an energetic exchange a practitioner like me also helps you to travel father and father to get to realms that are available to you for healing and answers. Because I can hold space for hours and hours, me simply being your practitioner and brining my own spirit team combined with yours, you have a safe space to truly do powerful healing work from a soul perspective.

Anyway, going back to cord releasement:

The energetic signature of each one of us are like fingerprints in the astral planes – (example – you see your father but he looks diff in a dream but you know its your father with a different body??? Why is that’s? Because you know his energetic signature b/c of the established strong connection to him -etc etc).

Same thing happens with energetic cords created eons ago or recently in this life (remember in the higher realms there is no time or space so everything is happening all at once) and because you established a connection, the cord remains until you heal and release, only once the karmic balancing act is completed on your end only then you can cut the cord.

If you ask to cut it but you haven’t balanced the karmic scale then you could feel release but you haven’t learn the lesson so you’ll repeat the lesson with someone else that’s why we tend to repeat the same mistakes multiple times b/c we don’t learn the lesson.

What I was shown is the following (Revelation):

The cord connecting you with someone else – meets half way – half from the other person and half from you – in the middle, depending on the trauma it creates a knot – (lets discuss ayahuasca for those of you who have done it hoping you’ll follow me better now – listen to the video to understand more on the example I used of Ayahuasca / Yage / Sacred plant medicine).. and how they are untied to feel the release and healing – that’s when the person purges once the knobs are untied)
Now in past life the purge may be crying, sweating, vomiting (yes it happens), crying, passing gas thru the throat /mouth or from down there, energy that’s very concentrated in several parts of the body create sensations and then release – that’s purge of knots…it can be diff for everyone depending on the trauma and the person.

However, you don’t have to have the 2 people connected to agree simultaneously to heal – you don’t know if the other person has balance or not the karmic scale for them but what you know is that you are ready to heal so by having that strong urge /desperation to heal you can balance your own scale and cut that cord by untying the knob part that belongs to you now the other person would be free to heal. However, if you don’t release with love and compassion – good luck it means you didn’t get it and you’ll have to repeat unless you transmute the hate / anger / anguish etc to love and compassion – no exceptions>

In a revelation during a very deep meditation when I wanted to learn about releasing cords for my personal use 3 years ago in 2019 actually– I had a vision of a Mandorla and how the energy cords are form and why I needed to understand this sacred geometry shape to get more clues about releasing cords –I was also shown how these cords are healed in sacred plant medicine journeys since I was experienced with sacred plant medicine the info was given to me b/c I already knew the feeling when these knots would come untie after healing parts of the self thru plant medicine.

Anyway, I didn’t want to admit that my situation was b/c of me not because of others and as a good student I went further into learning about the Mandorla and of course when I realized what it was I was surprised but not really – its all about a mystical symbol sometimes called the sacred gate or the cosmic womb of the universe which b/c gives birth to other geometry shapes – the most important part about the mandorla is all about the ying and yang (duality) so the vision I had with the mandorla and how it’s a balancing act and I was shown a scale when balance it forms a straight lines with not knobs but when unbalance the knobs continue to cause triggers and pain / trauma etc.

According to google – and Iva Kenaz (in her 2020 book, sacred geometry), the mandorla’s power lies in the harmony of the principle of duality inside the union of the 2 circles where the mandorla forms there are 2 triangles (as above so below) in these triangles, we have the seed of trinity so the mandorla represents the balanced union of the opposing energies…according to Iva the mandorla is the base for the seed of life or Flower of Life patterns.

One recommendation was to scan the body (listen to the video for the full technique explanation) and see how many of the cords from you to others are blurry/ knotted or black / grey or if you already know the person you can scan your body and see the energetic cord color between you and that person, any major knots – what feelings do you get when you see the cord, does it cause anxiety, fear, memories, bad memories, – you are looking for cords that are compromised…

For example, you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you both decided is time to end – its for the best, you both realized its all good, maybe good memories but its over, the moment you both decide to let it go is all good but later you notice you still dreaming about him he may be given you some help to figure things out, like if you miss him or he is coming and you together etc – the message may be that you feel lonely or sometime but doesn’t mean it’s a bad connection….(again please watch the video to understand the different examples in detail).

When you get into a meditative state you can ask your Higher Self to do an energetic scan to reveal images of the cords and the people you are negatively corded with. Allow the person to become clear in your mind’s eye and invoke your spirit team and higher self to start release / dissolve / cut away those ties / cords.

Ask your Higher Self (or Arcturians or Healing Spirits or Star Beings) (whoever you feel is best to help you depending on your connection to these beings) to reveal once an energetic scan is done if there are any negative cords to other people whether in this life or past lives.
Cords normally can have deep roots so ensure you ask for those roots to be completed plugged out. If you don’t feel the energy moving thru your body its possible you need to do the exercise again. To do more of the deep roots work you have to reflect a lot otherwise you wont find them b/c only when you are tired of the same patters, same behaviors, same outcomes, tired of the old you its only then that your subconscious self your higher self will show you, here now work with this now heal this now understand this so you continue to go deeper and deeper – its time consuming, tiring but when you heal those behaviors and patters omg life becomes so good, just going outside feels amazing, hanging out with fam and friends b/c like a treasure it’s a different lenses to see this reality from.

#energycords #cordcutting #cordrelease #energeticcords #quantumhealing #quantumhealingwestpalmbeach #pastliferegressiontherapy

Past Life Regression Therapy in West Palm Beach (or online)
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
Soul Regression Therapy in person or online
Spirit Releasement Therapy in person or online
Spirit Releasement Therapy in South Florida

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