Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, Suite 208, West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 331-1898

Why are flowers so powerful

Understand the frequency of flowers

What are Flowers so Powerful?

The universe is made of energy, sound, and colors. And with the ingredients used for your bath (the matter), with the right flower and/or herb, colors, and with the right sound (the chants), we can activate all the ingredients to work harmoniously to create miracles. Some may refer to this as magic!

Flowers, particularly roses, have the highest frequency: 320 Hz. A rose has the closest vibration to the universal frequency of love (528 Hz).

Although our body vibrates at an approximate range of 62 Hz to 78 Hz, with the right spiritual bath, we can supercharge our vibration, thereby changing our thoughts. And because our thoughts affect our reality, we then create new life.

Flowers and Herbs – their energy is so powerful to clean and balance our auric field!