The life-changing secrets to breaking free from emotional triggers and transforming your relationships, with our proven methods.
Take action now and unlock your full potential. Join The 12-Mins Trigger Release & Shifting Method today and experience the transformation you've been seeking. Your path to emotional freedom starts here.
Hi, I am Victoria Amador.
I am a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Coach & Spiritual Healer, specializing in empowering modalities such as Past Life Regression, Spirit Releasement Therapy, and Age Regression, among others.
After graduating from Cornell University, I was in the hospitality world and worked with many high-powered executives’ side by side. I have been coached by some of the most effective executive coaches, and trained with some of the best Transpersonal Therapists in the USA, Europe & Latin America.
Prior to committing full time to my healing practice, I opened, managed and sold several 6 and 7-Figures businesses in different industries.
My healing background started in ancestral spiritual practices, later training in shamanic healing and eventually in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy where I combine all my spiritual and shamanic training with Therapeutic Protocols.
My unique healing approach targets the root causes of pain and trauma while also focusing on high performance coaching. My clients tend to be individuals ranging from Medical Practitioners, Traditional Therapists, Small Business Owners, Biz Executives, stay at home mothers, individuals from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. One of my biggest passions is working with individuals experiencing spiritual awakening that realized past wounds are holding them back and its time to release, heal and align.
I hope we get the opportunity to connect energetically and share sacred space whether its in a private one-on-one healing or coaching program or a group-training.
The moment a thought, memory, experience, situation, or person enters your mind, a complex biochemical reaction is triggered within your brain, activating the powerful Mirror Neurons that shape your emotional responses and deeply influence your perception of reality.
Trapped in a repetitive cycle, emotional triggers can drastically lower your vibrational frequency, perpetuating feelings of negativity, self-doubt, and emotional distress that hinder your personal growth and overall well-being.
This emotional response can easily become a self-perpetuating loop, repeatedly triggering the same thoughts and feelings, creating a powerful cycle that profoundly impacts the person's mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, depending on the significance of the trigger to their core identity and soul journey.
Every emotional trigger, whether consciously recognized or buried deep within your subconscious and unconscious mind, carries immense significance and holds the key to unlocking profound personal growth and transformation.
Emotional triggers can be ignited by a wide array of stimuli, including interactions with people, encounters with specific places, exposure to certain objects, and experiences in various situations, all of which have the power to evoke profound emotional responses deeply rooted in one's psyche.
Exploring the depths of your unconscious mind, the 12-Minute Trigger Release & Identity Shifting Method guides you on a profound journey of self-discovery, uncovering the hidden layers of your identity and empowering you to understand and transform the root causes of your emotional triggers.
How to Achieve Lasting Emotional Freedom in As Little As 12 Minutes a day…
Hybrid Program
Our comprehensive Trigger Release & Shifting course is available now on demand.
Format: This is an online training course delivered via recorded lectures and materials.
Take the course any time & join us for live coaching
Live Group Coaching Sessions – Invites to attend 1 coaching call per month
One Time Payment
Course Value $297
Access for up to 1 Year to the course platform.
** Get Access To My Free Online Course Just For Applying! **
Want a more intensive option? Email me to learn about other program options.
Embarking on this journey with us is an investment in your future…
Proven methods to cultivate inner peace, stability, and a sense of safety within yourself.
The program is crafted to be accessible to those new to healing / coaching practices and anyone who needs to release triggers.
No prior experience needed.
Yes, absolutely! No prior experience needed.
You can experience changes each and every time you do one full protocol of approx 12 mins long. The advanced protocol takes 30 mins or so per session. We recommend 12 mins approx to work through each trigger to ensure you do a full complete session.
You’ll have access to our support team and a community forum where you can ask questions and share experiences.
Email me at [email protected] and I’ll try to get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Your relationships will transform because of your newfound groundedness and emotional generosity
Personal Mythology is the hidden script of your life – the symbols, stories, and patterns that secretly guide your choices and shape your destiny. By understanding your personal mythology, you gain the power to rewrite your story and transform both your world.